Transport Planning & Traffic Management
Transport planning and traffic management are integrated activities involving traffic engineering, land-use planning, social science, economics and environmental matters associated with traffic generation for the safe and efficient movement of people and goods.
This is the core of our business and over the past 10 years we have built a reputation for delivering high-quality planning, design and management across all aspects of the projects we undertake. We understand the importance of sound transport planning and traffic management for ensuring sustainability and accessibility for both communities and businesses.
DVC is passionate about its responsibilities in helping to shape the cities, towns and rural areas in which we live and assisting with developing innovative solutions and strategies to address the transport needs of a growing population. To ensure we keep pace with our clients evolving demands, we employ a dynamic workforce, experienced, highly motivated and committed to providing workable solutions to the wide range of transport-related issues. DVC actively addresses matters raised by both public and private sector stakeholders, whether correcting existing concerns, assessing the implications for new or modified land uses or setting a vision for the future.