Traffic Surveys & Analysis
DVC undertakes a wide range of traffic and transport related surveys from routine intersection counts to face-to-face interviews of public transport interchanges. Surveys are always carefully designed to ensure they collect unbiased data that will provide answers to the real questions behind the project.
DVC has state-of-the-art video cameras and high mast capability that has been used for recording traffic movements at intersections all over the Perth metropolitan area and state-wide from Port Hedland to Esperance. Surveys of peak hour or 24-hour duration have been conducted.
We have undertaken major surveys and analysis of the Perth metropolitan railway network covering all railway stations and all train services over a full week, counting all boarding and alighting movements. We have surveyed major car park usage including entry and counts and exit counts and duration of stay by bay type.
We have conducted condition surveys of signs over a whole town site and carried out visual inspection surveys of road conditions.